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How to build your relationship-Do not compare an Ex-Love with your Spouse/partner

Most times, we set our sights on things that we believe will make us happy and satisfied with our decisions. In this case, I would assume that before you chose your partner, you would have decided to be with that person and/or you earnestly believe he/she would make you happy, so happy that you would never regret your choice.
Imagine when the ‘choice’ turns out to be what you have not bargained for, you tend inwardly access your choice as well as your reason and solution. We even catch ourselves comparing our spouse to an ex, making mind travel to simpler fantasy lives that we formerly had why our present wasn’t better…
The truth is when we begin to compare, most times, the problem isn’t with our spouse but with us because we have set an invisible standard for our partners and as such, get disappointed when he/she does not reach it..
I daresay there was a reason you left the ex right? And there’s a reason you’re with your spouse. First of all stop complaining and trying to pick out faults, you exasperate your partner and once you make him/her peg you down to be someone who nags or complains a lot, your spouse stops listening to you and he/she gets immune to your complains and nag-suggestions.
if for one reason your spouse does not live up to ‘your’ expectation, you don’t have to panic, occupy yourself with things that interest you, be understanding and patient, live like you’ve got no one to compare him/her to. Always call them ‘them your perfect person’
You aren’t perfect either but your spouse hasn’t complained about you-well not as much as you have.. Make the best of every situation and accept faults cause you have them too.
Kill the ‘Ex thoughts’, they’d only land you into more depression and dissatisfaction- look beyond what you see now and turn your relationship to a happy one by letting reason peace and love preside..

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