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How helpful is Long Term Relationship?

No one wants to be in and out of relationships like where you have to change clothes but then,it’s exhausting and frustrating to be in a never ending relationship of girlfriend/boyfriend or even fiance/fiancee. Why would you want to stick to those titles for up to 10years or even more?
Now, I’m not saying that long term relationships never work, they do; but it’s like putting up your heart for gamble. When a relationship has stayed for too long, it gets stale and when there’s no growth or progress, it would take a miracle to take it to the next level.
With the length of time, whatever mystery each partner had that held the attraction would wane. And like all humans, you begin to lose interest and start to look outside. The fact that they stay together is out of habit and to prove people wrong that they won’t abandon each other. Or would I say the inner fear of not wanting to be known as the one who ‘betrayed’ the love or trust.
How long then do you think a relationship should take before knowing where you stand or the basis of the dalliance? I think that answer lies within you and your readiness for committment. If you say you are ready to be in relationship but aren’t ready to settle down, then the question is.. How long do you need to get to know your partner? Does he/she know you just aren’t ready yet but need him/her as case study.
So if your study succeeds then fine, but if not, you move on?
You have to term what think or believe to be a long term relationship, know your constraints,
Is the relaionship still alive?
Are you sure the feeling is mutual or is it just your imagination?
What success have you both made towards settling down?Not just dreams all the time.
Is there is fire and commitment or you both still together out of habit or pity or peoples’ opinion?
Are you ready to settle down? What’s your partner’s stance and reason?
I think these are the questions you should be considering if you are in a long term relationship or planning on embarking on one. And this is wishing we make the right decisions, God on our side.

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